Young Adults
An Unforgettable Desert Day with the young adults Brazil
An Unforgettable Desert Day with the young adults of Conceição do Mato Volver. Glory be to God! Completion of the Workshop imparted by Aparecida Guide of Faria Grossi of the [...]
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Young Adults
The Prayer and Life Workshops, by the Grace of God, are effectively a School of Prayer, School of Life, and Apostolic School. Blessed Youth Workshop, given to 15 Seminarians. It [...]
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From July 26 to August 6, many young people will make a pilgrimage to Lisbon on the occasion of WYD (World Youth Day) 2023. It will be, once again, a [...]
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Young Adults
Festival for young people in Slovenia
On 18 September 2021, a festival for young people under the motto "Strengthen my steps" took place at the Cistercian Monastery in Stična. More than 2,000 young people from all [...]
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Young Adults
Talks to young people in Santander, Colombia
The National Coordination of Colombia North East, share about the talks given by some Guides of their Local Coordinations during the month of September. The talk entitled "Without fear of [...]
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Young Adults
Young Adults Workshop in Barcelona, Spain
The Barcelona Local Coordination has been blessed with a Young Adults Workshop held at the Church of Our Lady of Pompeya of the Capuchin Franciscan Brothers, which culminated on May [...]
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Young Adults
PLW for Young Adults in Nampula, Mozambique
On May 4th the National Coordination of Prayer and Life Workshops in Nampula, held the Desert of the Workshop for Young Adults in the parish of Santa Cruz. This was [...]
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Young Adults
PLW for Young in Bucaramanga, Colombia
The young people of the Youth Group of the San Juan Eudes Parish lived the Workshop organized by the Local Coordination Bucaramanga 1; they had the final Desert on Saturday [...]
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Young Adults
PLW for Young Adults in Bucaramanga, Colombia
On Sunday May 5th, a group of young people from the Parish ´Santa Maria de las Misiones´, concluded the Workshop with the Desert that they lived in silence and solitude, [...]
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Young Adults
Workshops for Young Adults and Adolescents in Cartagena, Colombia
A group of 12 adolescents experienced the Prayer and Life Workshop for Adolescents in Cartagena, Colombia. They closed the Workshop with a Desert. At the end of the Desert they [...]
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