PLW Children
Workshop Evangelizing Children in Zulia, Venezuela
Desert of the Workshop Evangelizing Children in Mara, Zulia state, Ven. The children lived special moments feeling the presence of the Lord in nature and writing letters of love and [...]
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PLW Adolescents
Workshop “Walking with Jesus” (Adolescents)
Group of the Workshop “Walking with Jesus” (Adolescents), in the meeting Desert, “The Mountain", which was imparted in the Local Coordination Gómez-Lerdo of the National Coordination North Mexico.
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PLW Children
Workshop for Children in Campiña Grande, Brazil
Workshop for Children held at the Lourdinas School, in Campiña Grande, Pariba state. They were so excited that they did not want the Workshop to end.
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PLW Children
Evangelizing Children Workshop, Brazil
Child participant in the Workshop Evangelizing Children, in the Desert day in Campina Grande, Paraiba.
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Encounters – Experience of God
Encounter – An Experience of God in Spain
The Encounter – An Experience of God was held in July in Pozuela, near Madrid. Thirty seven people from all over Spain who really felt the need to dedicate a [...]
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General news
Day of Fraternal Sharing in Fatima
During the month of July, the Portuguese PLW family of Fatima lived this Day of Fraternity with great enthusiasm.
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Marriage Course
Marriage Course in Minas Gerais, Brazil
This course was held in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, in the ANB21 Coordination. Seven couples participated; all enchanted with the richness and depth with which the dialogue between the spouses [...]
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General news
New Guides for PLW Family in Ceuta, Spain
In Ceuta, a small city in North Africa, two new Guides have been sent, who, conscious of their vocation, will go as apostles, evangelizers and missionaries in PLW, bearers of [...]
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General news
New Guides in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Sent Forth Mass of four new Guides in the Jericho Coordination of Guayaquil, ready to announce to the world that God is love, mercy, care: a New Evangelization.
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