PLW News
PLW in Orlando, Florida, USA
Five new Guides are imparting the English workshops throughout the Orange and Osceola County’s. The new workshops began in August and each workshop have received a warm welcomed, participants are [...]
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PLW Children
Day for Children in Mato Grosso, Brazil
The PLW Guides of Campo Novo dos Parecis, State of Mato Grosso, held a Day for children who had received the Workshop "Evangelizing Children". The children ended up happy and [...]
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Eucaristía 4º. Aniversario Pascua padre Ignacio en la Coordinación Nacional México Metropolitano Norte (Atizapán, Ecatepec, Ixtacala, Naucalpan I y II, y Tlalnepantla)
Atizapán, Ecatepec, Ixtacala, Naucalpan I y II, y Tlalnepantla
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Thanksgiving on the 4th anniversary of the Passover Of Father Ignacio Larrañaga, Colombia Southeast
The Eucharist took place in the chapel of the school Alvernia of Bogotá. The presider was the Capuchin priest, Workshop Guide, Diego Fernando Mejía. Previous to the Eucharist, the Guides [...]
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Eucharist of Father Ignacio Larrañaga in Bucaramanga, Colombia
The Guides of the Northeastern Colombian National Coordination participated in the Eucharist of thanksgiving for the life of Father Ignacio, on the 4th Anniversary of his Passover. It was celebrated [...]
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Future Guides promote their Workshops
The Future Guides of the School for Preparting Guides in Campiña Grande Oeste, Paraiba, Brazil, made the promotion for their Workshops with great enthusiasm.
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Visit to Mexico-North Zone
The Mexico-North Zone Team visited all the Local Coordination´s Guides belonging to Mexico Pacific 2 National Coordination. The National Team was present in these meetings.
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PLW Adolescents
PLW Adolescents in Yopal, Colombia
Adolescents living the Desert, "The Mountain," at the end of the Workshop given in Yopal. Casanare, Colombia. One can notice the joy of the group after their encounter with Jesus.
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Outstanding news
- PLW Services (123)
- TOV Adults (10)
- PLW Adolescents (9)
- PLW Children (12)
- Marriage Course (14)
- Young Adults (18)
- Encounters – Experience of God (60)
- Evangelization Talks and Meetings (0)
- Círculos de oración y vida (1)
- General news (473)