Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

TOV Adults News about the School of Preparation for Guides in Poland   
The School of Preparation for Guides which began in March in the city of Krakow, continues its course, and it’s being taught in Italian by the Italian Guide Francesco Bissoli  [...]
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General news New Guides and Local Coordination in Melbourne, Australia
With so much joy in their hearts, the Asia Zone Team shares the Sent Forth of four new Guides in september 2018. The Sending Forth mass was officiated by Monsignor [...]
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General news Shepherding Visit of the Mexican North Zone Team
The Mexican North Zone Team made a shepherding visit to Tampico, Matamoros and Monterrey cities between the 31st of August and the 2nd of September. They met with more than [...]
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General news Retreat for Guides in Colombia South East
The Local Coordinations Corinto, Nazareth and La Montaña of the National Coordination Colombia South East received their Annual Retreat from August 31 to September 2. In a country side environment, [...]
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General news One day retreat “Walking with Mary” in San Jose del Cabo B.C. S. Mexico
A one day retreat, “Walking with Mary”, took place in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. During this retreat the attendees lived this beautiful eperience holding Mother Mary´s hand, and She [...]
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Marriage Course Marriage Course in San José del Cabo, Baja California, Mexico
The Local Coordination of San Jose del Cabo in Mexico shared the blessings received by the participants to the Marriage Course which recently took place in this city. All couples [...]
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General news Sent Forth Mass in Guatemala
On Sunday August 12th the Local Coordination of Saint Frances of Assisi in Guatemala, received five new Guides during a Sending Forth Ceremony full of the Spirit of God. As [...]
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TOV Adults Two TOVA in South Africa
Another two Workshops for adults have been completed in Cape Town, South Africa. Once again the Lord has shown His greatness taking care of the Guides who facilitate the Workshops [...]
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PLW Children Workshop Evangelizing Children in the state of Para, Brazil
The Guide Odeneide from the Local Team of Redenção, in the state of Para, national área ANB8, imparted the “Evangelizing Children” Workshop. The children were happy with their “aunt” who [...]
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General news Change of Teams in the Central American Zone
The Coordinator of the Central American Zone completed her term of service; during the first few days in August the Guide, Nuria Blanco, was then elected. She had been the [...]
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