Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news Day of Fraternal Sharing in Ecuador
The TOV Guide Family of Ecuador shared during the days 25, 26 and 27 of May, the Day of Fraternal Sharing at the María Auxiliadora, Retreat House of the Cumbayá [...]
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General news Universal Day of the Guide in Ecuador
The Guides of the different Local Coordinations of Ecuador met on May 20 to celebrate the DUG fraternally. May the fire of the Holy Spirit fill the hearts of the [...]
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General news New Guides a in Tegucigalpa, Hondura
Six new Guides have been Sent Forth at the Basilica of our Lady of Suyapa, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Three of them will be part of the Local Coordination family, Tegucigalpa North [...]
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General news Visita del Equipo Zona Europa a Albania
El Equipo de la Zona Europa – Coordinador, Secretario y Tesorero – visitaron la Coordinación Local de Albania, durante los días 25 a 28 de mayo. Albania, república al Sudeste [...]
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Marriage Course Marriage Course in Goiana, Brazil
This Marriage Course was a great blessing for all attendees. There were many testimonies and now they intend to live the Prayer and Life Workshop for Adults. May father Ignacio [...]
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General news Universal Day of the Guides in Cape Town
All the Guides of the Nucleous in Cape Town, South Africa, at the closing of the Day of the Guide in May, at the Schönstadt Centre. “We were overwhelmed at [...]
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General news Día Universal del Guía en Itaporanga d’Ajuda, Brasil
Celebración del Día Universal del Guía en Itaporanga d´Ajuda, estado de Sergipe, Brasil, con participación de los Guías de la CL Aracaju I, Núcleo de Estáncia y CL Itaporanga. La [...]
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General news Día Universal del Guía en Colombia Suroriente
Varios aspectos de los Guías de la Coordinación Nacional Colombia Suroriente en la celebración del Día Universal del Guía, en Bogotá. Se compartió en un ambiente de mucha alegría y [...]
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