Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

PLW Children Prayer and Life Workshop for Children in Redenção, Brazil
In the city of Redenção, in the state of Pará, north of Brazil, a Local Team Guide (ANB18) gave the Workshop for Children. The kids were very happy and attentive, [...]
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General news TV Program in Guatemala
The PLW-Guatemala television team from the program “Learn how to be happy” has put together a series of four chapters during the month of October, dedicated to introduce our founder [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God Encounter - An Experience of God in Cundinamarca, Colombia
An Encounter - An Experience of God was held last august organized by Colombia South East National Coordination at the Retreat House Buenos Aires, Department of Cundinamarca. The topics of [...]
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General news Transition Agenda Andean Zone Team in Bogota, Colombia
On the month of September, in an environmet of prayer, fraternity and love of Guides, the Transition Agenda of the Andean Zone Team was carried out. The Outgoing Team Coordinator, [...]
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General news One Day Reflection for Guides in Fabriciano, MG, Brazil
One Day Reflection for Guides was held in the city of Fabriciano, state of Mina Gerais. It was organized by the Local Coordinatons Teams of Timoteo, Ipatinga y Coronel Fabriciano, [...]
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Young Adults Young Adults Fraternity in Bogota, Colombia
The Youth Guides of Colombia South East shared a cheerful day of fraternity in Bogota gathered in the Simon Bolivar Park to raise "comets" in the wind season. They lived [...]
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General news Anual Retreat for Guides in Ecuador
The Local Coordinations Jerico from Guayaquil, and Sicar from Cuenca, Ecuador, lived the Ninth Annual Guides Retreat "Evangelical Profile of the Authority" in a profound atmosphere in last September. May [...]
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General news Retreat for Guides in Cartagena, Colombia
From september 7 to 9, the Guides from the Local Coordinations of Cartagena, Turbaco, Sincelejo and one Guide from Barranquilla lived the Annual Retreat "Evangelical Profile of the Authority". The [...]
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PLW Adolescents PLW Adolescents in Asuncion, Paraguay
The National Coordination of Asunción, Paraguay held a Prayer and Life Workshop for Adolescents at the Virgen de Fatima parish Barrio Jara. All the teens lived it with great enthusiasm, [...]
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Young Adults Youth Guides Camp in Philippines
The Philippines, held on last days of July its 1st at Mt. Saint Paul’s Retreat House La Trinidad, Benguet, with the theme “Destined for Youth”. Inspired by God’s call to [...]
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