Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

TOV Adults Closing of a PLWA in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Once they discovered the inmense love of the Father, after walking step by step, week after week getting to know Jesus better, learning how to love as he loved and [...]
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General news Commemoration of Father Ignacio Larrañaga's Passover in Santiago de Chile
"It was a time of great emotion, accompanied by nostalgia, a mild nostalgia" Commemoration of the 5th. Anniversary of the departure of Father Ignacio on October 27 and 28, 2018 [...]
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General news PLW International Assembly in Rio de Janeiro
During the days of October 20 to 25, 2018, the International Assembly took place in Rio Janeiro.The members of the twelve worldwide Zone Teams, and the Coordinators of the 100 [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God An Encounter Experience of God in Cuernavaca, Mexico
An Encounter Experience of God was held in October in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos State, at the Hospice of the Benedictine Monastery; it was organized by the Local Coordination [...]
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Young Adults Young Adults PLW in Montes Claros, Brazil
Closure of the Young Adults Workshop in Montes Claros, state of Minas Gerais, held at the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The participants concluded joyfully with the living [...]
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Marriage Course Marriage Course in Quito, Ecuador
A Marriage Course of Prayer and Life Workshops was held in October at the San Jose Obrero Parish in the city of Quito, Ecuador. May the Lord take the participating [...]
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General news Retreat for Guides in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico
The Guides of the Local Coordination Acapulco 1, lived with great dedication the Retreat for Guides "Evangelical Profile of the Authority" on September at Villa Belen. This Coordination belongs to [...]
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General news Retreat for Guides in Colombia
The Annual Retreat "Evangelical Profile of the Authority" organized by the Local Coordinations 101 Fontibon Norte and Villavicencio from Colombia South Center National Coordination, was held on the first weekend [...]
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PLW Adolescents Prayer an Life Workshop for Adolescents in Ypacaraí, Paraguay
This Workshop was held at Tupa Renda (where God lives - in Guaraní), Ypacarai, Paraguay. We transcribe the words of the Guide who imparted it: "We climbed the Mountain as [...]
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General news Retreat for Guides in Colombia South Center
The Local Coordinations 103 Bosa and 109 Tunjuelito from the Colombia South Center National Coordination lived the Annual Retreat for Guides "Evangelical Profile of the Authority" on October 5, to [...]
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