Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news Sending Forth Mass in Manabi, Ecuador
Five new Guides were Sent Forth in the city of Manabi, Ecuador, last november 25. They will be part of the family of the Local Coordination Cana de Galilea. May [...]
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PLW Children Workshop for Children in Amazonas, Brazil
Closing of the Workshop for Children taught in the city of Envira, State of Amazonas, Brazil, which is part of the National Area Brazil 9. With the blessings of God [...]
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General news Retreat for Guides in Southern Spain
The Guides of the National Coordination of Southern Spain, lived the Retreat for Guides 'Evangelical Profile of the Authority' in the last months; in the city of Jaen in the [...]
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General news Guides Retreat for the N.C. Mexico Coahuila
Guides of the National Coordination Mexico - Coahuila lived the “Evangelical Profile of Authority” retreat in October. The retreat was given to various groups and they lived it in a [...]
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Young Adults Young Adult Talks in Bogota, Colombia
One of the Guides of the National Coordination Colombia South East has been giving talks to a group of young adults in the Santa Maria Magdalena parish in Bogota. The [...]
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General news Retiro “Destino Materno” en Panamá
Fecha: Noviembre 22, 8:00 – 15:00 Lugar: Escuela Social Juan XXIII, Tres Ríos Inversión: 9 000 colones: Alimentación, materiales, y alojamiento. Contacto: Irene Quant, Tel +506 2278-0811 El Retiro Destino [...]
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General news New Emeritus Guides in Baja California, Mexico
The PLW family of Baja California Local Coordination, communicates with great joy that two of their sisters, Maria Guadalupe Ramos Aguirre and Margarita Luna Andrade, having fulfilled their mission as [...]
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General news Eucharist on the 5th anniversary of father Ignacio Larrañaga in Guayaquil
A Eucharist was celebrated on the 28th of October in Guayaquil remembering the 5th anniversary of the passing on of our dear founder father Ignacio Larrañaga, friend and prophet of [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God An Encounter an Experience of God in Colombia
This Encounter was organized by the South Center Colombia National Coordination, from October 31 to November 5, in the town of Chinauta, one hour from Bogotá. 77 people participated, their [...]
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