Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

Encounters – Experience of God Next Encounter an Experience of God Antioquia, Colombia
An invitation to live this unmatched unforgetable experience. There are five days of silence in the presence of the Lord freeing you from anguish and fear, achieving a great inner [...]
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General news Sent Forth in Honduras
Two new Guides, Mario Benavides and Candida Gaitan, were sent on January 5 of this year in the city of Trojes, department of El Paraíso. Thanks the Lord for these [...]
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General news Sent Forth Masses in México Pacifico 1 Nacional Coordination
The Grace of God has been reflected in the fruits achieved in Mexico Pacific National Coordination 1; they have joyfuly received 32 new Guides who have given their "yes" to [...]
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General news New Guides in Colombia South Center
27 New Guides were Sent Forth at the parish of the Santos Angeles Custodios in Bogota. They are the new apostles ´called and sent´ who trusting in the love of [...]
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General news Sent Forth Mass in Cusco, Peru
With great joy, the National Coordination Peru South receives five new Guides which were sent in the Eucharist celebrated on December 18 in the city of Cusco. This Sent Forth [...]
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General news Sent Forth in Colombia Sur Oriente
The National Coordination Colombia South East welcomes 38 new Guides who have been sent on December 15 at the church of Santa María Magdalena in Bogota. The new Guides feel [...]
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TOV Adults Workshop for Adults in Winnipeg, Canada
A PLW Guide resident in Winnipeg, CA, shares the happiness of having managed to deliver the first Workshop for Adults in this city. Her greatest desire is to continue spreading [...]
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Marriage Course Marriage Course in Bogota, Colombia
The National Coordination Colombia South Center shares with great joy the culmination of a Marriage Course taught in the parish of the Visitation of Our Lady in Bogota, Colombia. 16 [...]
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Marriage Course PLW Adolescents and Marriage Course in Macheta, Cundinamarca, Colombia
In the town of Machetá, 53 adolescents lived the "Walking with Jesus" experience in the parish of Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria divided in four groups: three in the urban [...]
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General news One day Retreats in Catagena, Colombia
The Guides have been taking the Prayer and Life Workshop message by facilitating one day Retreats. Most of the time the participants are very enthusiastic about what they have experience [...]
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