General news
Events in Spain
The National Coordination of Northern Spain shares several events held during the month of February: The Annual Retreat for Guides in Galapagar, Madrid; Visit of the National Team to Caceres-Placencia; [...]
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General news
National Assembly in Guanajuato, Mexico
The National Coordination Guanajuato 2, from the México North Zone, held its National Assembly from February 15 to 17, in the city of Yuriria, Guanajuato State, Mexico. The Local Teams [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God
Encounter-An Experience of God in Loyola, Spain
Invitation of the North and South Spain National Coordinations to live a true experience of the spirit.
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General news
Retreat for Guides in Joinville, Brazil
The Guides of Joinville, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, lived the Annual Retreat for Guides "My Brothers" in the first days of February. The 49 participating Guides came out with [...]
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General news
Transition Agenda in Cartagena, Colombia
The Transition Agenda of the National Coordination Colombia Caribe was held in Cartagena on February 10 and 11. The Guide Maria Isabel Lara will continue as Coordinator for a second [...]
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General news
National Assembly South Center Colombia
The National Assembly of Colombia South Central was held During the days from the 7th to the 10th of February, in Chinauta one and a half hours away from Bogotá. [...]
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General news
National Assembly in Bolivia
The National Coordination of Bolivia Santa Clara de Asis held the National Assembly in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia, from January 31 to the of February 3rd. With the presence [...]
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General news
National Assembly Southern Spain
The National Coordination of Southern Spain held its National Assembly in the city of Seville from the 1st to the 3rd of February; they passed on all the contents they [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God
Encounter-An Experience of God in Jalisco, Mexico
Special invitation from the Mexico Pacific1 National Coordination to live a week of a deep Experience of God ... in Silence and Solitude".
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Outstanding news
- PLW Services (124)
- TOV Adults (10)
- PLW Adolescents (9)
- PLW Children (12)
- Marriage Course (14)
- Young Adults (18)
- Encounters – Experience of God (61)
- Evangelization Talks and Meetings (0)
- Círculos de oración y vida (1)
- General news (473)