General news
National Assembly of AN-B15, Brazil
The Assembly of the National Coordination AN-B15 was held from March 22 to 24, in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, with the accompaniment of the Zone Coordinator and Secretary. [...]
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Transition Agenda in Spain-South
The Transition Agenda between the outgoing and incoming Coordinator Team was completed from March 15 to 17. The members of the new Team started their mission enthusiastically, full of love [...]
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Fraternal Encounter of the of the South Centre National – USA
Members of the National Coordination South Centre, USA, experienced the Fraternal Encounter 2019, gathering all the Guides of the different Local Coordinations. In a very special atmosphere the “elders” shared [...]
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National Assembly Peru-North
The National Assembly of Peru North took place from March 7 to 10 at the House “Hermanas del Buen Pastor” in Salamanca, District of Ate in Lima, Peru. The special [...]
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National Assembly in CN Argentina 4
The National Coordination Argentina 4 held its National Assembly from february 2 to march 3, at the Retreat House ´Hermanas de la Sagrada Familia´ in Burdeos, Resistencia, Chaco. The members [...]
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New Guides in Guatemala
In the Southwest Local Coordination, located in Guatemala City, seven new Guides were senth forth in a beautiful Ceremony on January 26. Also in the Local Coordination Quetzaltenango, located in [...]
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General news
National Assembly in Guatemala
The National Team of Guatemala held the National Assembly in Guatemala City transmitting with great fidelity to the Local Teams all the contents and orientations recieved and lived in the [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God
New Encounter - Experience of God in Antioquia, Colombia
The National Coordination Colombia Northwest invites you to a new Encounter - Experience of God in an environment full of nature.
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A Day of Revitalization in Cuiaba, Brazil
La Coordinación Nacional ANB16 de Brasil realizó una Jornada de Revitalización para Guías en la ciudad de Cuiabá, estado de Mato Grosso. Fue una gran toma de conciencia a través [...]
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National Assembly in Honduras
The National Assembly was held in the month of february in the city of Siguatepeque. The participants came out determined to live the Permanent Conversion with a grater strength under [...]
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