Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news Sent Forth in Nuoro, Italia
On Saturday, May 19, three new Guides were sent in the Coordination of Nuoro, Cerdeña. The ceremony took place at the Casa San Giuseppe.
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Young Adults PLW for Young in Bucaramanga, Colombia
The young people of the Youth Group of the San Juan Eudes Parish lived the Workshop organized by the Local Coordination Bucaramanga 1; they had the final Desert on Saturday [...]
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General news National Assembly of Northern Spain
The National Coordination held its 2019 Assembly on May 10 to 12 at the Madrileña Locality of Galapagar. The members of the Local Teams attended.
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General news National Assembly Mexico Chihuahua
The Chihuahua National Coordination held the Assembly on May 3, 4 and 5 in the city of Chihuahua accompained by the North Mexico Zone Coordinator. The members of the Local [...]
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General news National Assembly Chile North
The Assembly of the National Coordination Chile-North was held from April 12 to 14 at the Sanctuary of Santa Teresa de Los Andes, Auco, organized by the National Team. 42 [...]
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Young Adults PLW for Young Adults in Bucaramanga, Colombia
On Sunday May 5th, a group of young people from the Parish ´Santa Maria de las Misiones´, concluded the Workshop with the Desert that they lived in silence and solitude, [...]
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PLW Children Workshop for Children in Bucaramanga, Colombia
A Workshop for Children was given by the Local Coordination Bucaramanga 5, nine children participated. On Saturday, May 4th the nine participants lived the Desert, at the Vereda El Pedregal; [...]
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General news Activities in Nicaragua
Post Assembly Days. They were developed in two of the seven localities of the country: in the Local Coordination of Managua 1 and in the Nucleus in Formation of Carazo, [...]
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General news Asamblea Nacional Perú Sur
La Asamblea Nacional de Perú Sur, se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Ñaña, afueras de Lima, del jueves 2 al domingo 5 de mayo en el Centro de [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God Encounter – an Experience of God in Colombia North west
During the days friday, April 26 to wednesday, May 1st. was held the Encounter - an Experience of God organized by the National Coordination, at the “Casa de Convivencias San [...]
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