Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news Universal Day of the Guide in CN Colombia Nororiente
On Sunday, June 9, the Guides of the National Coordination Colombia Northeast lived this special day gathered in a total feast of the Holy Spirit and Fraternity atmosphere at the [...]
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General news Universal Day of the Guide in Mexico Hidalgo NC
The National Coordination Mexico Hidalgo celebrated the Universal Day of the Guide in the city of Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo; with great joy, all the Guides of the different Local Coordinations lived [...]
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General news Universal Day of the Guide in Colombia Northwest NC
The National Coordination Colombia Northwest held the Universal Day of the Guide on Sunday, June 9 in the city of Medellin; there was a true atmosphere of celebration and joy [...]
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General news PLW Deserts in Bucaramanga, Colombia
- Two PLW Adult were completed in the Local Coordination Bucaramanga 5 with the Deserts which took place at the Agustinian School. - The final Desert of the PLW in [...]
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General news National Asambly in N. C. México Hidalgo
From 23 to 26 of May, the National Assembly of the Mexico-Hidalgo Coordination was held in the House of Diocesan Formation of Tula de Allende Hidalgo. All the members of [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God Next Encounter and Experience of God in Bucaramanga, Colombia
The National Coordination Colombia North East invites you to the Encounter an Experience of God, do not miss this opportunity, it is Jesus himself who calls you.
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General news Retreat 'Walking with Mary' in Bucaramanga
The Retreat of a day was held in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia, on May 24, at the Villa Loyola Retreat House. It was organized by the Local Coordination ´Father [...]
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PLW Adolescents PLW Adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Closing of the Workshop for Adolescents with the Desert "On the Mountain with Jesus". The Workshop was organized by the National Coordination ANB25 at San Gabriel Parish in Taquaril, state [...]
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General news New Guides in the Spain-South National Coordination
With great joy, four sending Masses were celebrated in the months of April and May in the Spain-North National Coordination receiving a total of eight new Guides: two in Valencia, [...]
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General news National Assembly Paraguay
The Assembly of Paraguay National Coordination took place in the city of San Lorenzo from 16 to 19 of May. The members of the Local Teams lived it in an [...]
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