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Guide of Cadiz, Spain, called to the priesthood
From the Nucleus in Formation of Cadiz, Spain, they share with great joy the news of a newly sent Guide, who, after a deep discernment, has decided to enter the [...]
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PLW Guides in Deaf Pastoral Encounter, Brazil
Two Guides from the Local Coordination Team of São José dos Campos, São Paulo ST, which is part of the ANB20 National Coordination, were invited to the Deaf Pastoral Encounter [...]
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National Assembly in Mexico Pacifico 1
The National Coordination Mexico Pacífico 1 held its National Assembly from September 20 to 22, in the city of Ixtlahuacan de los Membrillos, Jalisco. The members of the 15 Local [...]
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One Day Retreat ´Mary mi role´
The Retreat ´Mary mi role´ was given by the Bucaramanga 5 Local Coordination of Colombia North East National Coordination, on September 22 at the Seminar La Consolata in the city [...]
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National Assembly Mexico Coahuila
The National Assembly of Mexico Coahuila National Area belonging to Mexico North Zone was held from August 23 to 25, in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila. Local Team Guides lived [...]
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PLW Children
A beautiful beautiful story
In 2015, the Guide Andrea Cordeiro gave the Workshop for Children to the eight children that appear in the image above. Now, four years later, she gave the Workshop for [...]
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National Assembly Mexico Hidalgo
The National Assembly of the Mexico-Hidalgo National Coordination was held in the House of Diocesan Formation of Tula, Allende Hidalgo on May 23, 24, 25 and 26; which was attended [...]
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Day of Fraternal Sharing in Campina Grande, Brasil
190 Guides from three Brazil National Coordinations, ANB5, ANB22 ,ANB23 lived a Day of Fraternal Sharing on July 26, 27 and 28 at the Ipuarana Convent - Lagoa Seca, 5 [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God
Encounter - An Experience of God held in Bucaramanga, Colombia
An Encounter of Experience of God was held in the city of Bucaramanga at the Retreat House of Villa Asuncion, between August 6 and 11, organized by the Colombia Northeast [...]
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National Assembly in Mexico Puebla-Oaxaca
The National Coordination Mexico Puebla-Oaxaca lived last weekend its National Assembly ´Consolidation of the Refoundation´ in a cheerful and fraternal spirit; it was held at the San Jose María de [...]
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