Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news CECOC and Prayer and Life Workshops in Bratislava
CECOC, European Capuchin Conference of Central and Oriental Europe, has invited the Prayer and Life Workshops to the celebrations of their events which took place in Bratislava (Eslovaquia) from the [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God Encounter an Experience of God lived in Colombia South Center NC
The Colombia South Center National Coordination held the Encounter an Experience of God from October 30 to November 4, 2019, in Chinauta, Cundinamarca, two hours from Bogota. 70 participants expressed [...]
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General news Maristella Carvalho in the Southern Mexico Zone Revitalization Days
The Guides of the Southern Mexico Zone Coordination share with immense joy the wonderful experience they lived with the visit of our sister Maristella Carvalho, who generously accepted the invitation [...]
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General news Eucharist for the Sixth Anniversary of Father Ignacio Passover in Colombia Southeast
The Guides of Colombia Southeast National Coordination remembered the memory of our Founder in a beautiful Eucharist celebrated by the Priest and Guide Miguel Angel Hernandez in the chapel of [...]
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General news Sixth anniversary of Father Ignacio’s Passover at FILPLW Foundation
With a beautiful Eucharist, the sixth anniversary of Father Ignacio's Passover was celebrated in Santiago, after which the blessing of the remodeled house was made, where the Father Ignacio Larrañaga [...]
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General news Post Assembly Days Completion in Mexico Hidalgo
The Guides from Ecatepec Local Coordination of Mexico Hidalgo National Coordination, have concluded the third Post Assembly Day; happy, convinced and committed to the PLW service to continue burning the [...]
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General news United States Zone Assembly
The United States Zone Coordination held an Extraordinary Assembly from October 11 to 13 in the city of Santa Cruz, California. Led by the Zonal Team, the members of the [...]
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General news Annual Retreat for Guides in Sonora, Mexico
The Guides from the Local Coordination of Obregon, Sonora, lived the Annual Retreat for Guides “An Unforgettable Model” from October 4 to 6 at Belen Retreat House. There were beautiful [...]
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General news Three-hour Talk in Cuiaba Seminar, Brazil
A three-hour Talk was given to Seminarians and Priests in Cuiaba, MT, Brazil; then the director of the Seminar requested the Coordinator Guide of the National Area ANB16, to give [...]
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General news Visita de la Coordinación Internacional a la Zona Cono Sur 1
La Coordinación Internacional – Coordinador, Secretario y Tesorero – visitaron la Coordinación Zonal Cono Sur 1. Durante los primeros tres días se realizó la Agenda de Entrega en la cual [...]
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