Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news New Guides in Mexico Pacific 1
The Mexico Pacific 1 National Coordination shares with the PLW Family their joy and gratitude to Father God, for His kindness and generosity since He has wanted to send more [...]
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General news New Guides in Colombia Southeast N.C.
The Sent Forth Ceremony of 25 new Guides organized by the Colombia South East National Coordination took place on December 7 at Las Paulinas chapel in Bogota. The Mass celebrated [...]
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General news Sent Forth Mass in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The ANB3 National Coordination has received with great joy a group of 21 new Guides in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Everyone is happy and grateful to God for [...]
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General news Visit of the Europe Zone Team to the Nuclei of Albania and Switzerland and the Local Coordination of France
The Europe Zone Team visited the Nuclei in Formation of Albania and Switzerland and the Local Coordination of France during the month of November. They are small focal points of [...]
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General news Sent Forth in Funza, Cundinamarca, Colombia South Center
Three new Guides have arrived to enrich the PLW family in Funza, a town near Bogota. The Sent Forth Ceremony took place at the ´Casa de Encuentros de las Hermanas [...]
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General news One Day Retreat “The Art of Being Happy” in Paraiba, Brazil
The One-Day Retreat “The Art of Being Happy” was given to a group of young adults and adolescents in the city of Juazeirinho, in the state of Paraiba, by the [...]
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PLW Adolescents Workshop for Adolescents in Rio Grande do Norte, BR
Happy faces of the adolescents at the end of the Prayer and Life Workshop Desert being friends with the Lord Jesus. It was taught by a Guide from the Local [...]
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General news Maristella Carvalho in the Northern Mexico Zone Revitalization Days
The Revitalization Days for Guides were a great blessing for the Guides of Mexico. It was an unique and unrepeatable opportunity to vibrate with a couple of talks that revived [...]
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General news - PLW activities in Palmas, TO, Brazil
Sent Forth Mass of 24 new Guides on November 15, who now become part of the PLW family. Revitalization Day for Guides with the themes "Awareness of the Mission" and [...]
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Encounters – Experience of God Encounter - Experience of God in Colombia South East
The Encounter - Experience of God, organized by the National Coordination Colombia South East was held from November 6 to 11 at the Retreat House Villa Marianella, Chinauta (Cundinamarca), two [...]
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