Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news Sent Forth in Calceta, Ecuador
Six new Guides for the PLW family have been sent forth. The new Guides are from the Local Coordination Cesarea, in the city of Calceta, Manabi, The Sent Forth Ceremony [...]
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General news New Guides in Palmeiras de Fora, Brazil
New Guides were Sent Forth in January in the Chapel of San Sebastian, in the Local Coordination Ponte Nova of the ANB12. God's blessings for the TOV Family.
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General news Emeritus Guide in Mexico
Handing out the Emeritus Guide Certificate to our beloved Lucy de Hoyos, member of the Local Coordination 2 Santísima Trinidad in Monterrey, Mexico. Lucy, who previously acted as the Mexican [...]
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General news Collective wedding celebrated in Bogotá, Colombia
After the experience of the Marriage Course lived in December last year, the couples who were on a free partnership made the decision to confirm their love under the eyes [...]
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General news Father Ignacio Larranaga Passover 4th Anniversary Commemoration in Mexico
The Local Coordination Guides of the Mexico Metropolitan North National Coordination attended Eucharistic celebrations to thank for Father Ignacio Larrañaga´s life and work on his 4th Anniversary Passover.
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General news Father Ignacio Always Present!
On the 4th Anniversary of Father Ignacio's Passover on October 28th in the Parque del Recuerdo Cemetery, PLW Guides from Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, gathered with [...]
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General news Visits of the International Coordination
The International Coordination visited different Zones and countries in recent months: Brazil, the Philippines, Cuba and Colombia. In these countries they shared with the Zone, National and Local Teams and [...]
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General news Envío de nuevos Guías en Brasilia
En Brasilia, DF. se llevó a cabo la Misa de envío de ocho nuevos Guías en el mes de noviembre. La felicidad de los nuevos enviados contagió a todos los [...]
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General news Reunión de la C.I. con Equipos Nacionales de Colombia
La Coordinación Internacional dentro de su misión de compartir con los Guías y Coordinaciones de todas las Zonas, se reunió en Bogotá con el Equipo Zona Andina y los Equipos [...]
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