Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news Days of Fraternal Sharing in Spain
From March 9–11, 2018, Days of Fraternal Sharing took place in Guadarrama (Madrid) with the participation of the Guides from the Spain North and Spain South Coordinations and the Europe [...]
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General news Day of Fraternal Sharing in Buenos Aires
During the month of March, the South Cone 1 Zone Team and the the Argentina 3 National Coordination Guides, lived three days of Fraternal Sharing at the Monsignor Aguirre, Spiritual [...]
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General news New Guides are Sent Forth in London
The Local Coordination in London received with immense joy five new English speaking Guides on March 24 at Our Lady of the Visitation Parish, in Greenford. The majority of the [...]
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General news School for Preparing Guides in Cracovia, Poland
With great joy the Europe Zone Team has communicated to us the beginning of the first School for Preparing Guides in the city of Cracovia, Poland, on March 23rd, in [...]
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General news Visit of the International Coordination to Mexico South and North Zones
From February 28 to March 13th, the International Coordination in full made a visit to the South and North Zones in Mexico. The visit was filled with joy and enthusiasm. [...]
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General news One Day Retreat in Milnerton Cape Town, South Africa
The One Day Retreat took place at Our Lady of the Annunciation in Milnerton Cape Town at the Brooklyn parish, on March 10, 2018. The theme of the retreat was: [...]
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General news Retreat "In Prayer with Maria" in Manaus, Brazil
The Annual Retreat "In Prayer with Mary" was held in Manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas. All the Guides strongly felt the presence of the Mother in their hearts, [...]
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General news Call to the Father's House
With our deepest sorrow, but with our eyes focus on faith, we share with you the passing on of our beloved Lucy de Hoyos, ex Mexican Zone Coordinaator until January [...]
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General news Retreat in Buenos AIres
The Guides “Our Lady of the Rosary” Coordination in la Plata, Buenos AIres, Argentina prepared themselves for the Lenten season with one of the PLW Retreats. The Retreat given was [...]
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General news Retreat at Palmas, Tocantis, Brasil
“In Prayer with Mary” was the the theme of the retreat. It was organized by the Local Coordination of Palmas, the capital of Tocantis state. It took place at the [...]
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