Friendship and communion
When true life is given with God, the phase of immersion in his intimacy corresponds and is succeeded by the phase of donation among men. The more intense the encounter [...]
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God is a matter of life (Psalm 15(16))
You will satisfy me with joy in your presence, with everlasting happiness at your right hand" (Ps 16:11) It is impossible to say with more precision and beauty. Enter the dance [...]
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Illusions, passions, anxieties, fantasies, fears, projects..., everything is dragged inexorably into the ocean of nonexistence. Why suffer? Nothing remains vibrating
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Come Holy Spirit, Upon PLW’s Family.
The Family of Prayer and Life Workshops is exultant on this Pentecost and Universal Day of the Guide, because the Lord has blessed us in a special way, bringing together [...]
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96th Birth Anniversary of Father Ignacio Larrañaga, Founder of the Prayer and Life Workshops.
Today, May 4, we fondly remember Father Ignacio Larrañaga on this day of his birthday, the Prophet of Prayer; who began writing at the age of 45, and who is [...]
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Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:19)
What is there between the light and the dark? The penumbra. Which is nothing but a mixture of lights and shadows? If we examine the evangelical texts, we see that [...]
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The Gospel hymn to joy
The Gospel is a hymn of joy, a happy news. If the sources spring from deep and pure subsoils, the water that emanates from there is purity and freshness. The [...]
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Risen, Lordly and Immortal
When the powerful of the earth had completed the job of total annihilation of a man and the project of his life, which was Jesus of Nazareth, they bribed one [...]
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Jesus’s agony
The synoptics transmit to us all the characteristics of an agony. Jesus declares that he feels "sorrow of death" (Mt 26:37). An agonizing person, first is he who doesn’t want [...]
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Pope Francis proclaims the year 2024 “YEAR OF PRAYER”
and invites us to live: “A year dedicated to rediscovering the great value and absolute necessity of prayer in personal life, in the life of the Church and in the [...]
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