Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

We can little
Wisdom consists of peacefully accepting the fact that we can do very little and putting into action all our capacity for enthusiasm to perform as much as possible in that [...]
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May the entire earth exult and innumerable islands leap for joy with the tremendous news: our God is dressed in a mantle of mercy, He is preceded by tenderness and [...]
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Amidst silence the Word was incarnate
The silence stopped and became incarnate in Mary together with the Word. During these nine months, the Mother did not need to pray, if by praying we mean vocalizing feelings [...]
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Mary transparency of the total mystery of God
In the Bible, an impressive silence surrounds the life of Mary. In the gospels, it appears incidentally and disappears immediately. The first two chapters tell us about her. But even [...]
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Live attentive
In some vicissitudes of the community (due to situations of personal crisis or collective, or when prayer fails) forces arise impetuously in the individual inferior and archaic, completely dominating the [...]
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On the last branch.
I began to navigate the sea of ​​life, the comings and goings of the years. Tell people to not expect magic tricks, I only bring you the song of the [...]
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Depths of Mercy
I am strongly impressed by the frequency and tranquility with which it is stated today thatFrancis got to God through man, the poor. Today those are fashionable statements, but nothing [...]
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The suffering of Christ, lovingly accepted as an expression of the Father's will, has generated a supreme good: the Redemption of the world. And, although it is true that this [...]
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Sometimes a person is assaulted by desolation and does not know what it is. The confessions of men or women who approach us and open up to us are simply, [...]
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No more messengers.
The vestiges of creation, vocal prayers, even community reflections can make us present to the One who seeks our soul, but they make him present to us in a pale [...]
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