To be loving means to conduct oneself with an affectionate heart in our dealings with others.
It means to be friendly and kind, in sentiment as well as attitude, in relation to those who are at our side.
There are no norms for being loving. The important thing, based on the way we treat others, is that the person perceive clearly that I am with him.
In summary, it is a sensitive current, warm and deep.
There are no set rules on how to be loving, but there are actions and attitudes that express affection: a smile, a gesture, a look, a question: “How are you?” It is so easy to make someone happy! All that is necessary is to go up to someone and address a word to that person. How easy and stupendous it is to approach a troubled brother and say to him: “Don’t be afraid; all this will pass; tomorrow things will look better; count on me!”
To make the other spouse happy is so easy! Small details! It is enough to make a telephone call: how are the kids? Any news? Need anything? In this way love becomes a flame that rises to new heights, and in turn we are winning the battle against routine.
What a sublime task it is to take a cup of joy to someone when we phone to say: “How are you? How do you feel? How are things going?”
How easy it is to suddenly dedicate a few moments to someone for no special reason!
We cannot make anyone happy, but we can dedicate ourselves to delivering cups of kindness, cups of happiness and affection: attitudes, gestures, glances, smiles, pats on the back… By doing these things, we have not made anyone happy, but we have delivered small portions of happiness.
What a beautiful profession it is to hand out cups of kindness, happiness, small portions of encouragement and hope! It is so easy! All that is necessary is to go out from ourselves and turn toward others.
Extracted from the books ´Transfiguration´ and the ´Happy Marriage´ by Fr. Ignacio Larrañaga.