The profound meaning of spiritual motherhood consists of this, that Mary be the Mother of Jesus, “within us.” Every mother is pregnant and gives birth. The Mother of Christ is pregnant with and gives birth to Christ. Spiritual motherhood means that Mary is pregnant with Christ and gives birth to him “in” us and “through” us.
In one word, the birth of Christ means that we incarnate and “give birth” to the existential Christ, to the same Christ, in the same way that he felt, acted and lived while he was on earth. Jesus Christ is born and grows in the same measure that the attitudes and behaviours, reactions and style of Christ are manifested in our lives.
In the measure that we incarnate the conduct and attitudes of Christ, the Total Christ advances towards His fullness. We bring about a constant growth of Jesus Christ by our own lives rather than through our institutions. Because God has not called us from all eternity primarily to transform the world with efficiency and organization but rather “by being moulded into the image of his Son.” (Rm. 8:29)
What is the meaning of Mary’s spiritual motherhood? It means that the Mother helps us to incarnate, be pregnant with and give birth, within ourselves, to that Christ she loved so utterly and completely. Mary will be for us a true Mother if we strive to imitate her fraternal kindness: Immediatley after the Annunciation we see her hurrying to congratúlate Elizabeth and helping her with the domestic chores in preparation for the birth; and her tactfulness in Capharnaum, when full of maternal pride, instead of entering the house to greet her Son, she knocks at the door and remains outside, waiting for him to welcome her.
Mary will give birth to Christ within us in the measure that we are sensitive, like Christ was, to all the needy of this world; in the measure that we live like Christ who sympathized and identified himself with the misfortune of others, who could not witness another’s grief without being moved, who skipped meals and sleep in order to attend to a sick person, who not only felt sorry for others, but found solutions….The Mother is the one who must help us to incarnate this living Christ, by suffering with those who suffer, so that in the end, we live “for” others and not “for” ourselves.
Mary gives birth to Christ within us in the measure that the poor become our favorites; when one makes a preferntial option for the poor of the world. This will be the sign that we are a truly messianic Church; when we live like Christ with our hands and hearts open to the poor, with visible sympathy for them, sharing their condition and solving their problems; in the measure that our activity is preferential, dedicated to them, though not (necessarily) exclusive; in the measure that we approach them with hope and without resentment…Mary will be truly Mother, in the measure that she helps us to incarnate in ourselves, this Christ of the poor.
Mary will give birth to Christ in us in the measure that we try to be like Jesus, humble and patient; in the mesure that we reflect his state of mind, with peace, self-mastery, strength and serenity; when we act like Jesus did before judges and accusers , with silence, patience and dignity; when we know how to forgive as He forgave, when we know how to keep silent as He kept silent; when we are more interested in the happiness of our brothers and sisters and in seeking the glory of the Father rather than our own glory; when we can risk our own lives, with the same courage and boldness of Christ; when we have the interests of the Father and our brothers and sisters at heart; when we are sincere and truthful before enemies and friends, as Christ was, defending the truth even at the cost of our lives….Mary will truly be our Mother in the measure that we let her incarnate within us this Poor and Humble Christ.
Mary will give birth to Christ in us in the measure that we are less preoccupied with ourselves and are more concerned about others, like Jesus, who never thought of himself, without any time to eat, sleep and rest. In the measure that we become like Christ who sacrificed himself without complaints, without grumbling, without bitterness, without threats and at the same time gave hope and courage to others; in the measure that we love as Christ loved, coming up with thousands of ways and means to express that love; if we go through life as Jesus did, “doing good to everyone.”
In this way, Mary gives birth to Christ through us, and we in turn fulfill our maternal vocation and Christ becomes “greater and greater.”.
Extracted from the Book “The Silence of Mary” by Father Ignacio Larrañaga