Happy Marriage
Every shared life is subject to wear and tear. Love, as a human feeling that it is, has a fleeting character; the passage of life attacks and lessens love’s charm: What can we do so that each morning love wakes up with a new face? What to do so that one is not devoured by disenchantment? What to do so that marriage is a perpetual feast? What steps must be taken so as to avoid the domination-dependency syndrome from installing itself into the marriage relationship? What to do in order to eliminate the fundamental enemy of love which is egotism? What to do so that the flames of love remain always fully lit in spite of the dark nights of winter? What to do so as to crown with success the complex process of mutual adaptation? What to do in order to avoid that the couple live together yet apart? This book tries to provide an answer to these and other questions. This book is written by one of the most reputable specialists in the difficult field of human relationship.