Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga


From June 25 to 30, 2024, the annual “Encounter Experience of God” was held in Moncada-Valencia (Spain), which was given by the Evangelizing Couple, Cristina and Manuel, Guides of this National Coordination.

30 people have attended, including guides who have recently been sent in these years, also future Guides who are still in the School of formation for Guides, Circulists (members of COP), workshop leaders and a young priest, as well as people who had not attended any other Prayer and Life Workshops service before.

These days have been lived with great fervor and respectful silence. The Evangelizing Couple who gave this meeting have transmitted it with fidelity, enthusiasm and much ardor, as bearers of a great Experience of “the living God” in their hearts.

The participants have testified that it has been a great gift to have been able to revitalize their spirituality, recover peace, the meaning of  life and strengthen their Christian commitment.

One of the recently sent Guides shared these words:

“By going deeper into solitude and silence, you experiment the relationship (experience) with the Lord through prayed, meditated, welcome and contemplation prayers,” explained Javier. Likewise, he confessed: this experience is something necessary in these moments when we have little time for everything with stress, rush and work, and it would be an obligation to make an effort to live the Encounter of Experience of God (EEG). and have a better relationship with the Lord.”

We encourage all of you who are reading this news to participate and experience the next EEG.

This encounter has been a waste of Grace for those who have experienced it.

Blessed be God who has made it possible!