Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga


On June 20th, members of the West 09 National Coordination, West Brazil Zone were in Guarapuava, for the ceremony of sending forth two new Guides: Father Célio Ferreira and María Alice Borazo Silveira.

Four emeritus Guides were also honored: María de Lurdes Gonçalves Trombetta, Márcia Carriel Gavanski de Lima, Solange Ribas Cleve and Zélia Pilati Rodrigues

After the sending forth of the new Guides and the delivery of the certificates to the Emeritus Guides, there was a fraternization, at which time the Guide sent forth, Father Célio, gave a precious testimony about the Prayer and Life Workshops.

My life experience began when I was very young. I have always accompanied Father Ignacio Larrañaga since my youth. I read all his works and I read his books more and more and I always have them with me. When I need to, I always do a re-reading to stay up to date and encounter his method of Prayer and Life Workshops.

Father Ignacio is a religious man who marks a lot, marks my vocation, marks my priesthood, marks my Christian identity. The path of Talleres is what I always wanted for my life.

I could have been a diocesan or secular priest but I made the choice for religious life, precisely because I believed in the strength of this charism. He, as a father

cappuccino, always inspired me in this process of giving life, of donation, with its founder, Francis of Assisi, in my case, my founder, Saint Francis of  Paula.

So, if I am here today in Talleres it is because Father Ignacio is my great inspiration, a great model for me, who encourages me and renews me in Christ.”