The firts guide
I am, I have been the first Guide, veteran of all battles. Before anyone else I have been the first inhabitant of all the auroras. For years, which now seem like eternities, I have stood under the sun, to declare before the universe that there is no other Seducer like our God who, by the way, is still our powerful and loving Mother.
Before you and before you I have advanced, without a hint of fatigue, along stony paths and wide avenues, pronouncing the name of Jesus and announcing his Peace. And I will continue as long as the sun illuminates my days and my lungs breathe.
¡Oh blessed brothers and Guides of the soul!: I may be a fleeting shadow but my wings are ready to take flight, and travel through spaces, and shout to the earth and the stars that there is no other Lord above and below, but my Lord Jesus that sings day and night in my inner chamber, a song of ineffable sweetness.
You won’t believe it, but He continues to do wonders right now: with Him disappointments evaporate like fog; the thorns become roses; and no longing remains unsatisfied in his presence.
When difficulties come, just squeeze the hand of the Beloved very tightly and everything evaporates like fog before the sun.
The more downcast you feel, the more Jesus presses you to his heart. Put yourself blindly in their hands and concerns will fly away like frightened birds. With Jesus in mind, shadows flee and fears are carried away by the wind.
How I would like to see an ancient dream come true before my eyes! I dream of seeing all the guides of the world transformed into a people of converts, mystics and prophets, advancing across the plains of lordships and empires with the unfurled flag of our Lord Jesus Christ, on which are engraved those words: ¡Fire I have come to! put in the ground! ¡and what am I going to want but for it to burn!
Taken from the letter Circulare Nº 20 of Father Ignacio Larrañaga