Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

From Death to Love

With the suppression of the “I” we have achieved the tranquility of the mind. But it’s not enough. We need to tap the released energies and crystallize them into love and unity. The Sermon on the Mount, in its first sections, displays the program of stripping oneself off; and later, in his decisive instances, he gives us the project of giving himself.

The only wall of separation between the other and me is the “I”. By affirming itself and by itself, the “I” feels different from and, in some way, opposed to what it is not. A kind of tension or dialectic arises from this opposition, accompanied by a certain feeling of restlessness. In short, something similar to a dualistic conflict is produced, which disappears as soon as that wall is demolished.

As soon as man feels tied to and embraced by himself, different from and opposed to others, insecurity automatically arises from the fact that he is lonely; and, conversely, by detaching himself and allowing himself to be swept away by the universal current, he feels immersed in unity with all beings, finding security and harmony.

The subject and the object no longer exist as opposite poles; the dichotomy I-you, I-world also disappears. And, at this moment, when living beings (especially man) lose their differentiating profiles, man feels related to all beings in their ultimate reality and ends up settling in a common-unity with everyone in the most endearing fraternity. . It is the experience of universal unity. Let them be one

It’s more than love. In love, one person loves another person. But in this experience the two subjects end up feeling a part of each other, as in a cosmic empathy, until they feel te things from the other  as if they were their own. It is obvious that in this context there is no room for rivalry or envy.

From the book “From Suffering to Peace” of Father Ignacio Larrañaga.