Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga


During the month of January and February 2025, the National Assemblies of the different National Coordinations of Europe took place.

From January 17 to 19, the National Assembly of Northern Spain was held at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Spirituality Center in Valladolid.

All the Local Coordination Teams and Nucleus of said coordination attended.

They were attended by the International Team, Lorena, Puri and Mercedes; Likewise, the European Zone Team, Mercedes Eulalia and Inés, were also present.

The Eucharist was celebrated in the Basilica of the Great Promise, devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The priest encouraged the guides present at the National Assembly to participate in the readings and the rest of the faithful participated in the closing of the National Assembly of the Association of Prayer Workshops.

From February 14 to 16 at the Villa San Pedro Spirituality House in Malaga, the National Assembly of Southern Spain was held.

This assembly was attended by the Teams of the Coordinations and Nuclei, among them those that belong to the Canary Islands, an area that belongs to said National Coordination.

They had the presence of the Europe Zone Team, Mercedes, Eulalia, Manolo and Inés

S.E. Mons. Jesús Esteban Catalá Ibáñez, bishop of Málaga who had the courtesy to come to officiate at the Eucharist and encourage the Guides to continue in our evangelizing work as praying people. In his homily he reconciled the evangelical texts of the day with the charisma of the PLW

From February 21 to 23 at the Monsignor Carraro Center Minor Seminary in Verona, Italy, the National Assembly of Italy was held.

As in previous Assemblies, all the Coordination and Nucleus Teams participated, including those belonging to Sardinia and Sicily.

Mercedes and Eulalia, coordinator and secretary of the Europe Zone, respectively, were also at the Assembly.

The Eucharist was celebrated by the rector of the Seminary who knew how to transmit words of forgiveness and mercy with the verbs that help make it a reality: know a person, have empathy, create bonds of friendship and love (have the bowels of mercy).

In all the Assemblies, fraternal moments were experienced within a climate of dialogue and reflection on the progress of the PLW in these coordinations. The progress of the Work was analyzed in the different local coordinations and Nuclei to promote, care for and ensure the Work. Become aware of promoting “focuses of holiness” such as CPL and GCS, deep desires of our founder.

During all the days of the Assembly there were moments to clarify and guide doubts about the topics discussed. Taking into account the idiosyncrasies of each coordination but with the common idea of ​​being a Family, the PLW  Family.

We thank God for the fruits of these Assemblies and that through the Post Assemblies they reach every guide in Europe.

Continue being “bonfires shining on the night of San Juan”.