Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga


Circulists from the five Circles of Prayer and Life (CPL) created in Pontevedra (Spain), met on the 24th of June, the solemnity of St John the Baptist, at 5:00 pm. to 8 p.m. in the Parroquial Social Center of St. Mary in the city of Galicia, to pray and fraternize, bringing to an end this first season of meetings of the year until the end of the summer, also sharing a moment of agape and fraternization.

The prayer time is full of testimonies from the circulistas, demonstrating the good that they have to gather together as a group to pray periodically, and giving thanks to God for knowing and celebrating the great gift that is sharing the spirituality of the Prayer and Life Workshops ( PLW ), which helps them to live better in the Eucharist, and awakens in them the desire to collaborate in the activities of their parishes and do more things that fill their lives with meaning.

On this day there was also a Rosary meditated and sung, praying for the intentions and needs of each person.

The CPL in Pontevedra began in October 2017. This year the CPL Bethlehem and Jordan were formed, and continued, Betania, in 2018; and Gethsemane and Tabor, in 2020. The names of each of the five CPL were elected by their own members.

In addition to meeting each Circle for their weekly prayer meetings or cenacles, once a year the circulists of the five CPL can spend a strong period of prayer together, generally a Desert , followed by a gathering to get to know each other more, in different places such as the Diocesan House of Spirituality Queen of Peace in Pontevedra (Salcedo), in the House of Mercy (Rectoral of the parish of Alba); in the Sanctuary of Apparitions and the Convent of San Francisco.

We give thanks to God for each of these CPL and for their members and at the same time we pray that they continue to persevere in prayer and in fraternity.