In this second half of 2023, the Guides, Myrian Resende of Oliveira and Izac Leopoldino from the Local Coordination of Lagoa da Prata, which belongs to the National Coordination of Brazil Center 2 and is part of the Central Brazil Zone, they dedicated themselves with all their heart and soul to bring Prayer and Life Workshops to addicts interns for recovery in the Therapeutic Community Stay Life.
The Workshop was taught to 52 Workshop Participants by both Guides, 29 of them persevered and all of them concluded their participation with the Desert. A significant number of people who have persevered and that gladdened our hearts, considering that they are. addicts and because of that, with many alterations of the behavior. From those who persevered we have received beautiful testimonies.
As they became aware of how much they are loved by God the Father. Their mistakes were converted into steppingstones to their spiritual growth. And their blind search through drugs, in a silent conquest of victory, protected by this ineffable Divine Love.
Everyone benefited greatly from the Prayer and Life workshop, since They observed the transformation in their lives. The Directors of the Therapeutic Community, requested the continuity of Workshops, to promote the recovery of residents.
Oh Jesus, you were the reason and the end of our work, the laborer and the work, great and admirable Lord!