We do not function in a world structured based on psychological parameters, intelligence coefficients or personality capabilities. Rather, it is a strange world, whose main characteristics are the lack of normality, probabilities or laws of proportion.
Everything here is unexpected. Our God is so amazing; all of a sudden He sprouts wells of water in the desert, light from darkness and creates life from nothing.
Just when we are about to throw everything overboard because we have an exhausted heart, a charitable angel lends us his wings, so that we can fly and take the uphill road with an incredible power.
Blessings that appear as whims, flashes of light in the night, energies emanating from disappointments, spurs of vitality among the prevailing agony….how amazing is our God!…Glorious and magnificent Lord, dressed in splendor and beauty; praise and glory to You forever. We humbly kneel before You, adore You and declare You our God and Lord.
From the Circular Letter No. 14 from Fr. Ignacio Larranaga, OFM