Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

Two PLW in Senegal (Africa)

With great enthusiasm we received this beautiful news from our sister Guide Carmina Tarin; she was “sent/invited”; by the Lord, 15 months ago, to the country of Senegal, where she is teaching Prayer and Life Workshops:
She has recently completed two parallel workshops for adults in Cassamance (province of southern Senegal).
On Thursday mornings, she gave the Workshop at the House of Spirituality where all the retreats and spiritual meetings are held, within a radius of 500 kilometers (you have to think that 94% of the Senegalese population is Muslim).
This House of Spirituality is located in Sindone, 25 kilometers from the city; the nine members of the community who run the House (“Foyer de Charité”) and its director, priest and exorcist known throughout Senegal have attended this workshop.
Attendance by the workshop participants to the Workshop Sessions, in both places, has been practically 100%, and all expressed that both workshops had helped them a lot in their lives: the taste
for the search and the daily meditation of the Word, the self-criticism that has led them to love more and better and always react as Jesus would. The Silence full of God, the different Modalities of
praying… all of this, -they highlight- "has helped us to grow spiritually and to know how to share my meditation with others. The PLW are truly the Work of God.”
Currently, a new workshop has been started in a parish room of the Cathedral. Nine people attend: two Franciscan novices, two religious and five lay people, who are very involved in the pastoral ministry.