On the date from March 31 to April 2, 2023, the Guides of the Local Coordination Montes Claros and Guides of other C. Locals belonging to the CN BRASIL Centro 6, had the wonderful opportunity to live the Annual Retreat for Guides “Towards The Deep Encounter”
It was held at the Retreat House de Nazaret.
This Retreat was given by our dear Big Sister of the TOV Maristella Carvalho. The Guides expressed that it was an experience filled with the Love of God, and that they returned to their homes to transmit that love in the Workshops and in their living environment.
Our God has immensely blessed this Retreat.
Praise forever.
Outstanding news
- PLW Services (123)
- TOV Adults (10)
- PLW Adolescents (9)
- PLW Children (12)
- Marriage Course (14)
- Young Adults (18)
- Encounters – Experience of God (60)
- Evangelization Talks and Meetings (0)
- Círculos de oración y vida (1)
- General news (471)