The scene of the Annunciation is beating with an intense intimacy. In order to know what happened there, we have to plunge into pensive waters in order to understand more, by contemplative intuition rather than by intellection, the essential meaning and quiet demeanor of the mind of Mary. What was she feeling? How did she see herself at that moment? Our Lady!
The Annunciation. Did it happen in her house? Perhaps outside in a field? On a hill? By a fountain? Was Mary alone? Was it some form of a vision? Was the angel in human form? Was it an interior articulation, unequivocally so? The evangelist writes: “On entering where Mary was standing…” (Luke 1:28) Are we to understand the word “entering” in a literal spacious sense? For example, as in the case of someone knocking at the door and entering into the room?
Could we understand this in a less literal and a more spiritual sense? For example, let’s suppose: Mary was in deep meditation, totally transfixed in the presence of the Father. No words had passed between the Servant and the Lord. She remained ecstatic, in a supreme state of silent adoration? Suddenly this silence was interrupted. And into that private intimacy between the two, which, humanly speaking is closed off to others, someone enters. Would this be possible?
What we do know with absolute certitude is that the normal life of this country girl was interrupted in a breathtaking fashion by a startling visitation from the Lord God Himself.
According to the visit that Mary had with Elizabeth, Mary’s interpretation of those two amazing happenings was simply the following: she considered herself as the “lowest one” among all the earth. (Luke 1:48) If she was great in any way, it was not because of her merit but due to the graciousness and predilection on the part of the Lord. What is clear is that Divine wisdom testifies that God choose from among all the women on earth the most insignificant one in order to give evidence and to certify that only God is Magnificent. He chose one lacking in personal gifts and charisma so that it would be evident to everyone that the great things of salvation are not the result of personal qualities but of the grace of God.
That was her interpretation. Consequently, it is evident that we are dealing with a young intelligent and humble girl who is inspired by the Spirit of Wisdom.
First it is announced to Mary that she will be the Mother of the Messiah. Considering the greetings of the angel and this fantastic declaration, the young girl was “troubled.”
But Mary’s surprise had to be much more acute with the second declaration: that the promised messianic maternity would be consummated without human participation, in a miraculous way. It would transcend every known biological process and burst forth with an original creation flowing straight from the power of the Almighty for Whom all things are possible.
The young girl remained still and silent, thinking. She asked a question. She received her answer. She continued full of sweetness and serenity. Now if a young girl involved in such sensational circumstances is capable of keeping herself emotionally calm and in control of herself, it means that we are witnessing a creature of exceptional equilibrium within the normal psychological framework.
Where did she get such strength? The fact that she was without sin must have decisively influenced her because disorder is generally a disturbing sign of sin that stems from egoism. But above all it must have been due to the complete immersion of Mary into the Mystery of God as we shall soon see.
It seems to me that never had anybody felt the sensation of being alone as Mary did at this precise moment because of the enormous historic responsibility that God placed on her.
One has to be amazed and astonished by the limitless humility, enormous maturity and innate instinct with which Mary was taking on this Mystery all by herself.
History alone is not sufficient to thank her and admire such grandeur.
It was an indescribable scene. Mary, aware of the gravity of the moment, conscious of the meaning of her decision, calmly, standing, alone, without consulting her experts, without any human help, goes out of herself, takes the great leap, trusts, gives in, and…gives herself.
Extracted from the book “The silence of Mary”, by F. Ignacio Larranaga