Local Coordination of Tizimín
On October 30 The Local Coordination of Tizimín lived in person the Post Assembly Day 2021. This meeting reaffirmed once again the desire of our founder Father Ignacio and his highest ideal for guides: PRAYER AND FRETERNITY .
Local Coordination Cancun Qroo
The guides of this coordination, met last November 5th to live this Day. The guides full of great hope and commitment went out again with "batteries charged" to continue to make this great desire alive, to live in prayer and brotherhood.
Local Coordination ESTE 2
Last Sunday, November 6th, the guides of this coordination lived this Day. The guides highlight and take up these great words once again: PRAYER AND FRATERNITY with which they encourage us to go forward without weakening in our mission work. Knowing that…." with Jesus holding our hand on the wings of certainty, we will never fail and we will never collapse. RAISE YOUR HEADS AND WALK!
Local Coordination Campeche
The Coordination Local Campeche lived this Day on Sunday, November 6th. A wonderful experience where we reaffirm the desire to continue serving the Lord in this beautiful service of the PLW