On July 30, 2022, the School of Preparation for Guides ended with the sending of three new sisters: Ludyn Guardado Meléndez, Susana Ugwu Ordóñez and Rosa Delia Suárez Hernández. They will bring new vigor to this TOV family and guided by the Holy Spirit will bear much fruit.
All the guides of this coordination took part In this celebration, who togetherness with them, they felt they were sent forth again “to make each participant a lover of Jesus, and a lover of Jesus is the one who experiences that fear disappears and freedom appears”, as Father Ignatio used to say.
This joy was twofold for this coordination, since with these new Guides, their number increased and they went from being a nucleus to being a Local Coordination again.
The sending forth Mass was very endearing, with the presence of family and friends. The Eucharist was celebrated by father D. Antonio Perera, a close friend to us, who has been accompanying this coordination for a long time. He was previously a Guide for Workshops, and today continues to supporting them and watching over this family, promoting the Workshops and being close to any need the coordination might have.
We thank the Lord for these three new sisters who we welcome as a “precious gift”.
Blessed be the Lord who makes His vineyard fruitful! PEACE AND GOOD WILL