The International Ordinary Assembly took place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 November, in virtual mode, in which 181 Guides, members of the Zonal Teams of the 14 Zones, and all the PLW National Coordinators participated.
Within the program of the Assembly, the election of the International Coordinator was held, in prayer and under the light of the Holy Spirit. The Guide Lorena Rodríguez Mediavilla, current Coordinator of the Europe Zone was elected, she has given her unconditional YES to this call, manifesting her trust in the Lord, to walk always holding his hand. She and the new team will assume their service in January 2022.
Likewise, the 7 Auxiliary Members were elected, who will also begin their work in 2022.
May the Lord guide everyone by His hand, so that this work of Prayer and Life Workshops, which he himself inspired Father Ignacio Larrañaga, endure over time, faithful to all its principles, in Prayer, in Humility and in the Fraternity, thus fulfilling the Golden Dream of Jesus.