Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

From the Highest Mast

“I always sailed against the current, even though it was contrary to my wishes. I never planned routes in the mountains before setting out. I never sat myself comfortably at a wide table in order to trace out a map of operations, a detailed organizational chart, or long range plans with precise objectives. If I ever conceived plans and sheltered dreams, Someone took care of disrupting them and shattering them to pieces along the same way.

I have never put my hands on the rudder of my ship. I let it drift, at the mercy of the waves, knowing that the owner of the sea would control the force and direction of the winds.

Who can grasp the lightening as if it were a sword? Who can be sure and cling with their hands to the will of God and say: “Here it is, this is it, I will not let go”? Only from the height of the setting sun, and looking back over the path we have walked can we glimpse, and then only vaguely, the zigzagging strategy, the holy and unpredictable will of the powerful and loving Father. Meanwhile, all we can do is bow our heads and say: I am going to let go of the oars, ¡and take me whenever You want and wherever You want!

Someone opened the doors before me, and I entered in. It has happened time and again. This evidence, as solid as granite, is the reason why difficulties have not crushed me, praise has not moved me, those who put traps and dug pitfalls in the pathway did not tangle me up, and success has not intoxicated me. I did not experience giddiness over what was accomplished, but the tranquil certainty of a person who knows he is led by the hand of His Will, and only does what should be done. The outcome is a wonderful peace.

In summary, everything has been the work of God. And I? Remember that scene in the Little Flowers of St. Francis where Brother Masseo was asking Francis: “Why does everyone turn to you, if you have no preparation, no beauty, no eloquence…?” Echoing the answer of the Brother, I too could say: that the Lord Most High chose me to do some good, precisely me, useless and insignificant, so it would be evident and obvious to everyone’s eyes that personal charisma and intellectual preparation do not save us: the only One who saves, transfigures and produces miracles from nothing is the Lord Most High, Our Father.

¡To Him be the glory!”

From the book “The Fire and the Rose”, by Fr. Ignacio Larrañaga