Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

An Ode to Life

To love life is to give ourselves generously to succeeding rebirths. The beginning of a project is a beginning to live. Every child who is born is the beginning of a new existence with its flowers, its thorns, and its fruits. We need to explore new shores where we may sing, and from there to sail into deep waters until we touch bottom where the ultimate causes may be found.

We are invited to enjoy intensely in the apparently narrow horizon of our existence, filling up constantly the empty containers. We will enjoy together through the generations, keeping the new wine in barrels of oak. We will not be trapped by the shadow of fear because our house is not an anchor but a mast.

Life was given to us gratuitously, without our asking or our needing, nor was the reason for this offer explained to us.

Every piece of life is a necessary link in the wide expanse of the vital circle. The old of today is not the adult of yesterday, while the adult of today is not the adolescent of the day before yesterday. We cannot drink life in a single quaff since everything is contingent: being born and reborn; it changes form; and everything flows like the current of a river. Every moment of life is different from the preceding as well as the succeeding.

To begin to live means to open oneself to the horizon of unlimited possibilities, to begin a journey of an infinitely immense future.

It is true that the shadow follows the light, that idealism and realism are locked in combat like the lightning and the rain in the bosom of the cloud and that a solitary dualism arises in the middle of the valley of life. However, let us not forget that to no one, even to the least fortunate, has been denied instances of fullness and unique hours. And if the nights of solitude were long, the rays of the sun still burned on the copse of the trees.

Life sings in our silences and dreams while we sleep. Although we navigate between pains and sadness, between fears and anxieties, and with contradiction our companion in the journey, life still smiles at the sunlight and is still free despite dragging its chains.

In this walk through life we will die many times, leaving behind what we are in order to begin new stages of multiple possibilities that await us at every fragment, where a resurrection will follow every decay because life is like that: it never dies.

Extracted from the book ´The Forces of Decadence´ by Fr. Ignacio Larrañaga