With a beautiful Eucharist, the sixth anniversary of Father Ignacio’s Passover was celebrated in Santiago, after which the blessing of the remodeled house was made, where the Father Ignacio Larrañaga PLW Foundation works from now on, as a center of spiritual irradiation according to Father’s Ignacio wishes.
Memorable moments were lived with the presence of 80 Guides, most of them from Brazil, also from Ecuador, Colombia, Chile and Mexico, including the International Coordination, who trusting the Lord traveled to Santiago to share the celebration, despite the unstable situation that is lived right now in the country.
It was hosted by the Guides of the National Coordination Chile North and the PLWPIL Foundation Team. The ANB 2 Coordination, Brazil, chose this opportunity to give the Emeritus Guide Certificate to two of their beloved Guides, who lived exciting moments because of this surprise from their Coordination.
There was a day full of beautiful moments in the joy of the encounter, remembering and giving life to the words of Father Ignacio and his legacy.