Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

Next Encounter an Experience of God in Colombia South East

The National Coordination Colombia South East invites you to live the Encounter an Experience of God in November 2019 at ´Villa Marianella´, located two hours from Bogota by road.

This is an unforgettable experience, five days of strong experiences of God in silence and solitude. Everyday the participants experience an adventure in the spirit as the intimacy with God, whom we know loves us, deepens. At the end of the week the participants come to the conclusion that it was well worthwhile leaving everything behind to live this experience.

People recover the enchantment of life by experiencing the enchantment of God.

Venue: ´Casa de Retiros Villa Marianella´, Chinauta. – Two hours from Bogota

Date: Wednesday 6 to Monday 11 November 2019

Contact: (57) 322 5922878 – (57) 323 2079420 – (57 1) 226 8682