Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

Visit of the International Coordination to Mexico South and North Zones

From February 28 to March 13th, the International Coordination in full made a visit to the South and North Zones in Mexico. The visit was filled with joy and enthusiasm. The main objective was to kwnow, first hand, how the Refoundation progress is being lived and put into practice by the Teams and Guides of both Zones.

With this purpose, there were meetings in each Zone, with the Zone team at first and then with all the National Coordinators. Starting with prayer and in an atmosphere of intimate fraternity they were reminded which is the role of a Coordinator, the reason of the Culmination Weeks, why Fr. Ignacio and the previous International Coordination saw the need of refounding the Workshops, determining the most important role this process plays, the Permanent Conversion, which is the fruit of the personal Prayer of the Guides. These same subject was given in all the well attended meetings of Guides and Local Teams in Cuernavaca and in the Nazareth House of Prayer of Guadalajara place where our founder passed on.

The International Coordination showed as well how the indicators of the Refoundation are at the service of it to consolidate the process or correct paths when the case presents itself. The meeeting ended giving the participants some time to clarify their doubts about the current times the Workshops are living. The International Coordination visited Workshops and Schools for Preparing Guides in both Zones as well.

The ultimate goal the International Coordination had in this shepherding of the Guides, is to encourage them to be transformed  into a group of premanent converted  people,  thus accomplishing the dream of our Founder and making it a  reality, a group of Guides with deep enthusiasm sanctified, idealists and most of all in love with our Lord Jesus Christ, as Fr. Ignacio would say.  This will only be accomplished living a Permanent Conversion in an intimate dialogue with Jesus on a daily basis.