… Upon reaching the hut, a disciple ran out, apparently beside himself with emotion, and exclaimed: “Father Francis, Father Francis” He knelt at Brother Francis’feet and embraced his ankles, kissing his feet over and over again as he athed them with his tears. The Poor Man was stunned, and inquired: “My brother, who are you?”
“Don,t you remember, Father Francis? I am one of those three bandits who, by your mercy, abandoned that life and entered the Brotherhood.”
In fact, for several years now the ex-outlaw had been leading a most exemplary life. At times, he would stay up and spend the rest of the night in adoration. He worked silently in a little garden his brothers had planted for him on a mountain side. He was very hospitable toward his guests.
After hearing the news, the Crucified Brother took Brother Leo by the arm and walked hastily into the woods, and in the depths of the forest he began to scream in exaltation: “Wonders of Love, wonders of Love!
Write this down, Brother Leo: There are no prisons where there is love. There are no mental barriers, no egotistical bonds, no combative energies at death’s beck and call that can resist Love. Brother Leo, what is the difference between God and love? They are two sides of the same essence. Love transforms cemeteries into gardens. Love’s vestment is silence. There is no sweeter melody. Harps made of gold, the vibrant energies of spring, and the splendor of the dawn are no match for the melodies in Love s bosom.
All miracles are possible with Love. Have you not witnessed the latest miracle, Brother Leo? Have you not seen an outlaw become a saint through the magic of Love? How can I say it, Brother Leo? I’ll say it with this one phrase: God is Love.
Francis´ ailing eyes were shining like two brilliant stars. This, indeed, was Love´s latest miracle. How had love revived those two dim and lifeless orbs?
“Love, Love, Love May your self-centered and antagonistic feelings burn in the fires of Love. Oh Sacred Love, the wings of protection, the nest of life, the die of happiness, the dwelling of infants, the endless chain, the guardian of peace, refreshing shade, the eternal mother, the sleeping child, the endless ocean, the music without words, the everlasting melody…”
“Love one another. Love your enemies. Love the rocks, the trees, the birds, the fish, the frogs… Love the flies, the toads, the spiders, the bats, the owls… Love the serpents, and they will not bite you. Love the wolves, and they will not devour you. Love your enemies, and they will become loving children. Raise the flag of Love, and rivalry will disappear, wars will end, envy and offenses will vanish.”
“God is Love. Love is mightier than death. Place Love where there is hate. Where there is offense, place forgiveness. Where there is discord, place union.”
Extracted from the book “Brother Francis of Assisi”, by fr Ignacio Larrañaga