Respect is the first and essential attitude for interpersonal relationships.
In fraternal communion, respect has very deep roots. It has to do with the original mystery of man. The most sacred reality in the world after that of God.
The mystery whereby each individual is not an object but a person. And every person is a differentiated me, ineffable and incommunicable. A universe and an experience which will never be repeated.
Another person is not the other” but a “you,” with a formidable set of genetic codes, a biochemical composition and a history of changes… And that whole combination of constitution and experience is presided over by a consciousness. We are in the presence of a person.
The other, therefore, is a sacred world and being sacred, not only merits respect but also reverence.
What is meant by respect? Respect implies two attitudes, one interior and the other exterior. First, respect presupposes venerating the mystery of the brother as if one is venerating something sacred. Secondly, respect implies not interfering with the other. In its negative form this is expressed as follows: think no evil, speak no evil. And in its positive form respect means courteous treatment in addition to interior reverence.
Respect comes from within. One has to begin by redeeming the roots.
The hostile emotions that spring from various causes can be extinguished by an affective closeness with Jesus Christ. Destructive words are the daughters of destructive feelings. They need to be silenced in a sacrificial homage to Jesus. The profound solutions to the ills of the community are born at the feet of Jesus Christ.
Most of the time, respect also implies sacrificial love, this is the surrendering of our self gratification for the sake of another.
We will respect the mystery of the brother only if we place ourselves in the sphere of faith, and make a transfer, “seeing” the Brother Jesus in this brother who is with me. Thus, Love is born.
Based on the book Come with me by Fr Ignacio Larrañaga