Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

Who are You?

You are the eternal Presence of light and dark!

Only through prayer, the act of “being alone with He who Loves us”, we may have a personal experience of the Resurrected Christ, having an open, honest, and unassuming conversation with Him, and sharing with simplicity about our life, thoughts, and doubts, we may discover who He is.

In this spontaneous dialogue we feel in the presence of He who Loves us unconditionally, without the need for reasons, without regarding why or for what; along this path we acquire knowledge of God and ourselves. As He is Just, Wise, Good…He is indescribable with words! It is only in our relationship with Him that we will discover His eternal presence.

It is only in those moments of personal experience with Him that we gain in strength, happiness and the resolution to continue our effort in building a fairer society, based on universal evangelical and humanitarian principles. This experience confirms His presence within us, that He accompanies and cares for us in those difficult moments, that are so common today: marriage crisis, stress, and frenetic activity to reach access to all the pleasures offered by the market.

Jesus will inspire and create a world in which we all feel to be loved as the favorite sons and daughters of God. Becoming authentic, happy, humble and innovative Christians who are able to live fraternal love and overcome our limitations without distancing ourselves from our problems, but on the contrary, being able to give the best of us in resolving them.

So with Jesus, our eternal, loyal friend, we will be able to experience the joy and peace that only He can give us. He permanently replenishes us with infinite love, and with our sight on Him we can say with conviction: with You and your kingdom of love our hopes are made true.

Glory be to you our Lord!