Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

Remain in me, and I will remain in you

“Remain in my love as I remain in you” was the last request of Jesus to his disciples before his Passion and death (Jn15, 4). We can respond to Jesus´s request by giving ourselves time to be with Him, just as one remains by a fire to talk with a friend enjoying the pleasure of his company.

Thanks to that intimacy in which we seek to be and remain in Him, we will be given the possibility of a real abandonment, that our heart feel the attitudes of Jesus, and to be in the spirit of the Resurrection. Only in that intimacy forged in the everyday I–You contact can the incorruptible and serene joy be with us, so as to live the difficulties, misunderstandings, the human weaknesses, and to be able to say with certainty: “I know very well Who I have put my faith in and in Whose custody I have put the treasure of my life.” (2ª Tim. 1,12).

To remain in His love. This is what allowed Jesus to face the journey of the Passion with serenity, dignity and silence. Because through the worship of God all is understood. One sees that everything is good and all is well. It is possible to see all events through the Father´s perspective. Rebellions are swept by the wind, anxiety evaporates and peace fills all spaces. Jesus knows “to Whom he has trusted himself.”

To remain in His love: so God may take hold of our smallness, and we may act as Mary did, without resisting the impossible. To have the faith that says: “Father if you allow this to happen, I shall surrender myself to You and say “let it be Your will!”. The strength in the certainty that there is no failure for those who put themselves in His hands.

To persist, and advance so our Lord will be the king of our territory. Because only with a living and strong Jesus in our heart, it is easy: to forgive, to understand, to accept, to welcome, to give goodness in the face of wrong doing, to love thy enemy…Everything is easy when Jesus is strong within us, as our ego becomes weak…”

To persist so the eternal spring of Resurrection reaches us all. The same request Jesus has always made and continues to make today to all those who wish to follow His path: “Return to your home and show them the marvels that our Lord has done with you”. (Lc8.39)

(Based on the books “Sensing your hidden presence”, “Come with me”, “The Poor one of Nazareth”)