Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

We are beginning a celebration

We are beginning a celebration, our hearts are full of joy because on the 22th of December, the founder of our organization, The Prayer & Life Workshops, Father Ignacio Larrañaga will commemorate his 60th year of priesthood.

We guides throughout the world, invite you in joining us in giving thanks to our Lord for these productive years of uninterrupted evangelization, to which countless guides and participants can say that they have known the heart of God.

During these 60 years of consecrated life the ideals he has upheld have been: “…I want my love to be eternally fresh and pure like the rain…Beloved Jesus, have pity of me, make that disapproval does not frighten me, applauses do not interest me. Do not allow that the demands of the self enslave me with heavy chains, and rob me of joy and peace”.

“I am, and will be the first guide to stand underneath the sun and declare to the universe that there is no greater seducer than our God….and I will continue while the sun brightens my days and my lungs breathe”.

(…) “My lord placed burning coals in my mouth, and if one day you perceive fire and heat in my mouth, do not be mistaken it is not my voice, but the hot furnace of my Lord. All I did was place my words and my weariness, and that is all. But everywhere golden stalks of wheat and almond blossoms flourished (…) It was a prodigy. I sowed, but Someone created movement in the silent bosom of life”.

“You will be skeptical, but He continues to do wonders as we speak: with Him the troubles evaporate like fog; the thorns become roses; and no desire goes unquenched in His presence”.

“Dedicate yourself to God. May each day be a morning of resurrection of your horizons and each day a small conversion, and may other people perceive in your faces the brightness of our sacred God. You will feel the great satisfaction of transcending yourself, and you will experience your existence as a great and nobel privilege, all this will fill with joy your environment.

In this celebration of 60 years of our founder we can say with certainty:

From the desert echoes of eternal voices go,

Sowing red roses that are watered by the nothingness of silence and oblivion.

Rapids of living water, jump joyfully at the rhythm of the songs of Joy and Peace.

Western and Eastern winds stir the sentiments like travelling swallows and

Our souls unite in a prayer full of appreciation.


We, Guides of the Prayer & Life Workshops throughout the world wish dear Fr. Ignacio

A Happy Anniversary!