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Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

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Age: 7 to 12 years old
Duration: 10 sessions
1 per week lasting
1 hour and 30 minutes each

We show them the treasure of Eternal Life. We teach them to talk with God, which we present as their Father in heaven. We insistently show them how the Dear Father loves them in a thousand forms and ways. And we experientially teach them to have a relationship with Jesus as their best friend.

Learn to talk with GOD as with a friend.
Give everything you have in your heart and in your mind.

PLW Children
Day for Children in Mato Grosso, Brazil
The PLW Guides of Campo Novo dos Parecis, State of Mato Grosso, held a Day for children who had received the Workshop "Evangelizing Children". The children ended up happy and excited asking for new Days. May Jesus remain alive in their little hearts!
More information
PLW Children
Workshop Evangelizing Children in Zulia, Venezuela
Desert of the Workshop Evangelizing Children in Mara, Zulia state, Ven. The children lived special moments feeling the presence of the Lord in nature and writing letters of love and gratitude to Jesus.
More information