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Videos – TOVPIL

Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

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Detailed description of the essence of the Prayer and Life Workshops on key points:

Based on the Bible – Christ Centered – Greenhouse for apostolic vocations – Exclusively a Lay Service – Totally practical and experiential in character – Step by step prayer activity adapted to each person – A liberating and healing Workshop through knowledge of God and self – Transformation in the light of the Word – Commitment to the poor. 1 DVD


Contains the themes of the Opening and the 15 Sessions in the Adults Prayer and Life Workshop that are imparted by the Guides.


Contains the Messages of the 10 Sessions of the Young Adults Workshops that are imparted by the Guides.


It has the six messages of the Marriage Course in Father Ignacio’s voice. NOTA NO ES VOZ DE PI.


A Talk by Father Ignacio given during the Culmination Weeks in which he discusses the theme of the vocation of the Guide, a person who is chosen, set apart and destined. They have a high sensibility and, an insatiable thirst of God to the point that they cannot live without God, and become his possesion.


Contains the Spirituality Messages of the Prayer and Life Workshops: People of Prayer, Empty of Self and The Golden Dream, which are used by the Guides who impart the School for Preparing Guides.


From enchantment with God to enchantment with life, Father Ignacio says, is an itinerary that never fails. Any other road can be phony and deceitful, because everything that is constantly repeated wears out. Whatever wears out gets tiring. Love is often like a flower that lasts for a day, agonizes, dies, and is gone the next. It is like marriage, in which love must be nurtured daily, with small details. If life ceases to be movement, it ceases to be life.


Memorial of a Lifetime.

Without a doubt, this is the most important work of Fr. Larrañaga’s life. This material can be used in a variety of ways: retreats, talks, evangelizing days, personal piety, promotion of the Workshops, etc.


This is a collection of the Talks of that great event of the Prayer and Life Workshops family, which took place in the city of Monterrey, Mexico in March of 2008, on the occasion of the First International Meeting of the TOV/PLW Guides. Series of 13 DVD


In this documentary we can see the key moments in the life of Father Ignacio Larrañaga, Capuchin priest, and Founder of the Prayer and Life Workshops. Prayer and Life Workshops is a lay organization approved by the Holy See, inspired by the Gospel which proposes a daily encounter with God.


A collection of the themes that were imparted by Father Ignacio Larrañaga to all the Guides throughout the world in 35 countries during the course of 62 weeks in 2012 and 2013, which he called Culmination Weeks.


Ignacio Larrañaga, founder of the Prayer and Life Workshops, impacted many people with his evangelizing message centered on the figure of God, as a loving Father, who just wants his children to be happy.


Motivational DVD for living the Desert that took place at Curve 21 on the road to Farallones, 48 kilometers from Santiago, Chile on October 29, 2016, as part of the celebration of the Third Anniversary of Father Ignacio’s Passover. When 332 Guides from various countries came and lived this experience in the same place where Father Ignacio frequently went to encounter his Lord in silence and solitude.