To be a means of preservation and diffusion for the work of the Founder of the PLW, and to support the International Coordinating Team in their function of propagating and disseminating the charism of the PLW in its evangelization function.
The house where Father Ignacio Larrañaga, Founder of the PLW, lived is located in the Neighborhood of Lo Barnechea in Santiago, Chile. At present, the Foundation House is a place of spiritual pilgrimage for those who have seen their lives transformed through the Prayer and Life Workshops.
Father Ignacio hoped that once he was in the House of the Father, that this place would become a living center of spiritual dissemination for the charisma that God had inspired in him, and that it not be converted into a museum (1). Based on this desire of our Founder, at the 2014 Assembly, the International Coordination proposed the need for creating a Foundation (2).
Therefore, in March of 2015 the International Coordination set up the Father Ignacio Larrañaga Prayer and Life Workshop Foundation, thereby legalizing the care, protection and diffusion of Father Ignacio’s spiritual patrimony for future generations.
For those unfamiliar with this house, it is a symbol which holds many meanings, in addition to having been Father Ignacio’s home for the past 20 years. It was the place from which many of his writings, talks and messages emanated. That remarkable fruitfulness originated from his desk, in a small room where he prayed daily. He considered it to be a “little bit sacred” because it was there where the Holy Spirit inspired him to write the Manuals that today in the hands of thousands of Guides around the world, make the PLW’s charisma flow in a new evangelization.
The heritage made up of his books, documents, letters, audios, videos, photographs, as well as other collections of PLW files, will give rise to the TOVPIL Foundation Documentation Center in Santiago, Chile, which we hope will contribute to the study and diffusion of his life and work.
(1) Audiovisual Register of the year 2007 file Foundation House/Open Letter to all Guides throughout the world. “Circular Letters to the Guides 1-28. 2004. 240-241/ Personal letter Father Camilo Luquin, 2006/ Minutes meeting of Foundation House Team 2007.
(2) Minutes 2014 International Assembly, pp. 98-100

El Rodeo 13555 Lo Barnechea. Santiago, Chile
Telephone: 569 222458407
E-mail: fundaciontovpil2@gmail.com
Visiting Hours:
Call to coordinate a visit.
Monday – Friday from
9 to 12:30 hrs.
2:00 to 4:30 hrs.