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Charlas y Jornadas de Evangelización – TOVPIL

Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

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Evangelizing Talks and Meetings

Evangelizing Talks and Meetings

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The New Evangelization around the world is the key task undertaken by Prayer and Life Workshops. In addition to the Workshops each member of our Association, as a Guide, also delivers Evangelization Talks and/or Meetings.

Talks may be given in a couple of hours, in half-day or full-day meetings or over a week-end.

All of the contents of these Talks or Meetings are based on the richness and diversity of our Association’s legacy, the original works of our founder Father Ignacio Larrañaga.